62 new projects for Oulu2026 culture programme


Oulu is a European Capital of Culture in 2026. The Oulu2026 culture programme in 39 municipalities is realised by local, national and international actors. The programme in Oulu is coordinated and managed by the Oulu Culture Foundation. The Foundation provides co-funding for projects. The entire culture programme will be published in 2025.

Banneri kuvituskuva Oulu2026

Oulu and the entire northern region of Finland will be filled with culture, art and events in the coming years. We arranged Open call 2022 that was specifically aimed for large-scale projects that take several years to prepare or carry out. Nearly 300 project proposals were received: about 90% of the proposals came from Finland, of which 65% came from the Oulu2026 region. 62 of the proposals have now been selected to complement the Oulu2026 culture programme.

In addition to the projects now selected, the Oulu2026 culture programme includes approximately 50 projects that have been involved since the application phase of the European Capital of Culture year, and the programme will expand further with the We are Culture Open Call in 2024–2025. The culture programme is divided into three themes: Brave Hinterland, Wild City and Cool Contrasts.

The majority of projects under the cultural programme are carried out under an external executive production leadership and they are selected and co-funded through the Open Calls. The next open call will be We are Culture in 2024–2025, which is call for applications for individual and communal projects.

The construction of the cultural programme will continue, and the entire programme will be published in 2025.

We will add information about the projects later this year.


Selected partners – Open Call 2022

Brave Hinterland – nature, art and life on the edge of Europe

The Association for Rural Culture and Education

Kivilompolo Kukkakollektiivi (workgroup)

Reality Research Center

Oulu Safaris Oy

Lumo Company

ArtAr-luonnontaiteenkeskus (workgroup)

Antye Greie

The Northern Opera Company

KulttuuriKauppila Art Centre (Municipality of Ii)

The Mustarinda Association

Kulttuuriosuuskunta G-voima / Vaara-kollektiivi

Municipality of Kempele

Folk Extreme Oy

Oulu Writers Association

Erika Benke

Municipality of Liminka

The Danish National Museum / Ships department

Oulun Työväen Pursiseura ry

Kajaanin kaupunginteatteri (Kajaani City Theatre)


Unique local flavours and experiences 

Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Oulu

Pohjois-Suomen Messut ry

Eija Ranta (workgroup)

Foodium Oy

Varjakan kyläyhdistys ry


Wild City – art and culture belong to everyone and everywhere

Kulttuuriyhdistys Bio Huvimylly (workgroup)

Limingan kansanopiston kannattajayhdistys ry

Akola Friends (workgroup)

The Aine Art Museum / City of Tornio

Perfect Circle Oy

Teatteri Telakka ry

Le Plus Petit Cirque du Monde (PPCM)

Instituto Iberoamericano de Finlandia


Oulun Rantasaunaseura ry

K2 Taiteilijatalo ry

Routa Company

Talous ja Nuoret TAT ry

Taito Pohjois-Pohjanmaa ry (Regional Crafts Association)

Oulu Theatre

Kulttuuriradio Oulu ry

Romanikulttuurin museon tukiyhdistys ry

Pikisaaren Villatehtaat ry

Kulttuurikiihdyttämö ry

PROTO – Designers’ association of Northern Finland

Vanha Villatehdas ry


Festivals in Europe’s spotlight

Varjo / Pro Piknik Festivals Oy

OstariFestari / Höyhtyän Kulttuuriyhdistys ry

The Irish Festival of Oulu / Irish Music Society of Oulu ry

Concreate Urban Art Festival / Helsinki Urban Art ry

Oulu Music Video Festival

JoJo – Oulu Dance Centre

Solstice Festival / four-one-seven oy

Valentin Vaala Film Festival / Brandstein/Ilmestys Oy / Municipality of Vaala

Puolanka Pessimism Festival / Puolanka Pessimism Association

Kuusamo Nature Photo / City of Kuusamo


Cool Contrasts – power to create something new

Pyhäsalmen Tanssi ry

Rauhankone ry

Oulu University of Applied sciences

The Ostrobothnian Contemporary Music Festival / Nykymusiikkiseura Lokakuu ry

The Finnish Light Art Society FLASH ry

Faculty of Humanities, University of Oulu

Screaming Men’s Choir, Mieskuoro Huutajat ry / POSK tuotannot Oy


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