Pohjolan OP -logo tummansinisellä taustalla

Pohjolan Osuuspankki strives to promote the sustainable economic success, safety, and well-being of its entire operating area and owner-customers. Pohjolan OP serves its customers in 21 branches, from Pyhäntä to Utsjoki

Kaleva Median logo sinisellä taustalla

Kaleva Media is the North’s own media company. Our mission is to promote the mental and economic vitality of the North, as it has been for 125 years. Here, ideas come to life, and technology and creativity meet. The future is built together.

Business Partners

Otaxi-logo sinisellä taustalla
Genelec logo sinisellä taustalla

Brand Partners

Mallaamo logo sinisellä taustalla
Avidly-logo sinisellä taustalla
Liana-logo tummansinistä taustaa vasten
Oulun Pysäköinti logo sinisellä taustalla
Nordea-logo sinisellä taustalla
Mystinen valkoinen kuvio sinisellä taustalla
Lippu.fi logo sinisellä taustalla

Contact our team for more information on partnership opportunities!

Matleena Aarikallio

Head of Partnerships
040 184 0978


Nina Taipaleenmäki

Partnerships Coordinator
040 487 4313
