
Art in the City: the Oulu2026 mural 

“In winter it might change people’s lives. They look at this painting and they remember that summers in Finland are always very nice.”

A piece of art with the power to change lives. A comment every artist longs to hear.

It came from a man looking admiringly at the outside wall of his tower block at Ruiskukkatie 3 in the suburb of Rajakylä in Oulu, where a giant painting was gradually emerging in September 2022.

The mural, part of the cultural programme of Oulu2026, attracted a lot of attention from residents.

It depicts a forest of birch trees at the height of the summer. It’s flooded with  bright sunlight. In the centre there’s a barefooted woman, repeated five times as she’s turning around to choose between two paths in the woods.

It’s a striking image. It stopped people in their tracks as they went about their everyday lives in Rajakylä. Many of them came to take a closer look and have a word with the artist painting the mural.

Eloise Gillow painting a mural on the wall of a 9 storey high block of flats

Eloise Gillow is from the United Kingdom. Over the last few years she’s been creating murals in public spaces in Spain, France, Italy and Ireland – artwork that’s bonded with local communities.

“People in Rajakylä have been very supportive. I first came here in August to get to know them and find out what’s important to them about living here.

“I met people at the school, the library and the community centre. They had lots of ideas for the mural,” reveals Eloise. “I made a sketch after narrowing them down to one big theme: change.”

The location of the mural was chosen by public vote. Residents across Oulu were invited to cast their votes to bring the mural to their neighbourhood – and the largest number of votes came in from Rajakylä.

“This shows that there’s a lot of support for bringing in culture to improve the area. People told me that Rajakylä was changing. It used to have a bad reputation but they were leaving that behind. I hope the mural captures that theme,” explains Eloise.

In addition to addressing large societal issues such as poverty and crime, Eloise’s murals also open up to interpretations regarding the connection between individuals and the natural world.

“This whole neighbourhood is integrated into the woods. My first impression was how beautiful it is, that all the buildings are between all this nature.”

Eloise says a key part of living in Oulu is having very prominent seasons and the mural definitely speaks to that.

“The mural is based on the summer when the birch trees have all their leaves. But the trees will now soon lose their leaves. The contrast between the painting and its surroundings will be a constant reminder of the changing seasons: it will remind people in the winter that summer is coming back.”

drone image of the rajakylä mural

Eloise finished working in Oulu on October 3, 2022 and the next day she jumped on a flight to start painting her next mural in Sweden. How easy is it for an artist to move from one big project to the next so quickly?

“Painting a mural is a very intense experience. I get kind of obsessed with it. In the evenings I look at photos of what I’ve done that day and compare them to my sketch. Then I wake up and look at the photos again at breakfast. It’s strange to do something so intensely and then go. But that’s what I do. I really hope that people in Rajakylä will like it and I leave behind a good piece of art for those who live here.”

Text: Erika Benke


More about the mural

Open Call for Artist Portfolios to create a mural in Oulu, Finland – Oulu2026

Oulu2026-muraali – Oulu2026 (in Finnish)


Art Ii Biennial 2022 presents: Oulu2026 In the Air

In the Air – Felt by a number of people to be happening, or about to happen.

In co-operation with the Oulu2026 –organisation the Art Ii Biennial will present an afternoon of art and art/science discussions in Ii, Thursday 16th June. The event will highlight the art and science collaborations of the Biennial.

Hanna Husbergs and Agata Marzecovas project Towards Atmospheric Care provokes discussions over the quality of our collective atmosphere and explores air as a naturalcultural and technoecological phenomenon situated in the nexus of media, science and technological mediation.

Husbergs and Marzecovas performative lecture “A is for Aurora, C is for Care” opens the discussion on air and the sense of change ‘in the air’. Husbergs and Marzecovas claim is, that if we are to form meaningful engagements with air, we need to radically and collectively experiment with thought and practice that position the planetary atmosphere as a shared and indisciplinary concern.

The lecture is followed by a panel discussion with international artists and curators of the Biennial reflecting on air in a way that transcends the isolating effects of data. In the panel we will discuss air as our common human, animal and plant lifesource, which must be accorded a global significance. Art and science collaborations play some part in putting collective responsibility in the air—a crucial goal for the 2020s and beyond.

The panelists: Tina-Marie Friedrich, Hanna Husberg, Agata Marzecova, Gabi Schaffner, Filips Stanislavskis, Minna Rainio, Mark Roberts. Moderator: Jetta Huttunen.

During the event the visitors have a chance to see all the Biennial works situated in Ii.


We offer a free bus connection from Oulu to Ii and back.

Timetable / Thursday 16th June 2-8 pm:

2 pm: Starting from Oulu, Kulttuuritalo Valve (Hallituskatu 7) to KulttuuriKauppila

3 pm: Arriving at KulttuuriKauppila: Gallery exhibition in KulttuuriKauppila (Kauppilantie 15)

4 pm: Gallery exhibitions in Old Hamina (Haminantie 17)

4.30 pm: Ecouteriat: Acoustic walk exercise OR Visit to the Environmental Art Park

5 pm Nättepori: coffee break and snacks (Puistotie 1)

5.15 pm: Performative lecture at Nättepori auditorium: A is Aurora C is for Care/Towards Atmospheric Care (Husberg & Marzecova) + Panel discussion: In the Air.  Context and Change in the nexus of Art, Science and the environment.

6.30 pm Discussion and drinks.

7 pm Leaving from Ii – back to Oulu est 8 pm


Sign up for the free bus ride (Oulu-Ii-Oulu) by 15th June: heli.paaso-rantala@ii.fi

Jetta Huttunen
Vastaava tuottaja / Executive manager
+358 50 3950313

Art Ii Biennale is organised by Art Centre KulttuuriKauppila

For more information:

Asta Salomaa