Ordinary design stories. Everyday is best and design has made it better.
Best in Finnish design is constantly improving design of everyday. Better everyday design is not sold in luxury boutiques for the few but in super markets for everyone as has been done for decades already. It is all about ordinary design stories.
Proto — Autumn 2026 designers of Northern Finland together with its partners will share ordinary stories of everyday design as told by ordinary Finnish people in an exhibition at Proto Design Centre in Pikisaari. The ambition of Finnish design has for decades been to constantly improve everyday life of ordinary people, us all — with easier to use, aesthetic, long lasting designs. Many tools and objects have been used for years.
What is internationally unique is that we have been able to buy the best design for everyday in small village shops and later super markets all over the country. This has made design in Finland more democratic, we dare to claim.
Our impact to Culture-
climate change
Democracy, equality and access strengthen a positive change in a cultural climate. Finnish design improving our everyday life has been an example of this for decades.
We believe there is no other country where awareness of design and its meaning for the quality of everyday life is as widely spread as in Finland. Visit homes of ordinary people in Finland, and everyday design objects you will most likely find there will be a proof of this.
When and where
Proto: Tuomas Mujunen, Päivi Tahkokallio (Proto2026-ohjelma); Rams Foundation, Frankfurt am Main