
Cultural Diversity Seminar


You are invited to the Cultural Diversity Seminar being held at Cultural Centre Valve, on 16th May. This event is being offered in celebration of The World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development.

In this seminar we will learn about and discuss opportunities for promotion of cultural diversity and cooperation, to improve Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Oulu’s cultural and creative sectors. The program will include expert presentations, breakout discussions, in addition to traditional networking opportunities. This event has been cooperatively organized by The City of Oulu General Cultural Services, the Immigrant Council of the City of Oulu, and Oulu2026.

Sign up by 14 May at Lyyti: I will register for the seminar.


Culture House Valve, Valvesali, Hallituskatu 7, Oulu

8:45 Morning coffee
9:00 Seminar opening: Johanna Tuukkanen, Head of Cultural Services & Director of Cultural Centre Valve
9:15 Keynote: Anthony Rice-Perttunen, Immigrant Council of the City of Oulu
9:45–11:15 Presentations on diversity
Ville-Mikko Sikiö, Head of Production, Cultural Centre Valve.
Selina Väliheikki, Curator, Museum and Science Centre Luuppi.
Pia Alatorvinen, Executive Director, Oulu Culture Events Association.
Anna Litewka-Anttolainen
and Henrik Skarevik, Equal Oulu2026, Oulu Culture Foundation

11:15–12:00 lunch (self-paid)

12:00–13:45 Group (breakout) discussions
13:45–14:00 Summary and conclusion

We warmly welcome you to join us!

More information: Anna Litewka-Anttolainen, Equal Oulu2026 Project Manager, 040 538 8121, anna.litewka-anttolainen(at)oulu2026.eu.

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